合作 (cooperating) 代表的是以協助完成目標而和某人一起工作的意思:也就是讓某人更有能力完成某件事情 (通常是透過給予他們原本沒有的資訊或資源的方式)。

協作 (collaborating) 則是真正和某人肩並肩一起工作以達成某目標的意思 (來源於拉丁語 laborare: to work)。

The confusion comes from the overloaded meaning of "work with": In the "Work with me, people" sense, it means to go along with my idea - it's a passive condoning or suspension of disbelief rather than an active involvement. In the "I'm stuck, can you work with me on this problem?" sense it is a request for active commitment.

So in terms of helping achieve something, the ordering is something like collaboration, then cooperation, then passive indifference, then active obstruction.

原文轉自: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/28752/whats-the-difference-between-collaborate-and-cooperate
